Really nice Glenn and an interesting thought Karl. When its all done, Glenn should shop it out to a few kit makers; Dora Wings comes to mind as they do some odd aircraft
It's finally done and its been a long time coming from when I first started thinking about this project .
In the November 1995 issue of Scale Modeler Magazine there was an article about a conversion like this and I started thinking about doing it myself. Jump ahead five or six years when I acquired the two Heller kits to do it. Those kits sat in my stash waiting, being pulled down and looked at from time to time as I thought about starting the project, until I finally did in September 2013. By that time I had decided to it in 1/48th scale instead of the 1/72nd scale of the Heller kits, but thought it would be a good idea to start with the Heller kits to make sure I could do it before I went and cut up two I/48 AMT kits. The 1/72nd version took me six months to complete and I decided to take a break before starting the 1/48th version.
That break turned into five years when a little over a year ago I started cutting up the AMT kits.
Well here it is, 25 years from conception to finished model. That has got to be some king of record!
Excellent Glenn, really very well done.
As Karl mentioned earlier in this thread, it loos more like a "mainstream" kit has been used, rather than a "kit bash", and the work and finish is exceptional, a credit to your skills and dedication.