P51-D "Snifter"

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Great work! If I can figure out how to print a small white disc, I'll be in business for my 66 Squadron badge! No way though, as my printer is a normal CMYK, cant print white!
The white aint the problem, I could print onto white decal sheet. It's getting a white disc, with the badge centred on it, that's the problem - hence the need for a full-colour print set up. I'll probably print the badge that I've drawn, then use that decal onto a suitable overpainted disc, maybe a roundel or something. The whole thing will only be around 8mm diameter.
I'm not that serious Colin! I never printed my own decals before, although, many years ago, I used to make some by hand. Most things that I would probably need in the way of decals via my PC could be handled by my normal printer, as it's rare that I'd need the one thing that's not easy to do, a very small white circle or disc!
If I can't get the result I want, then I'll just hand-paint the crest direct onto the model. Thanks for the suggestion though Colin.
Yep, Squadron codes, numbers, letters, most font-types for Luftwaffe numbers I can handle on my current printer, using one of a few programmes. But, to be honest, I've mainly hand-painted those items I can't get decals for, or, more correctly, when I don't want to pay £7 average for a decal sheet, to maybe use about two of the decals. But, when I'm more...er...financially viable, I might look at a different printer; could maybe even be a 'cottage industry' business on the side, especially as I've been trained in graphics production in my old 'civvy' job.
Thanks again Colin.
I have painted the brass guns and glued them in place. I have also put the decals on the plane too. They dont look half bad. Dragon got back to me and they have sent me a new set off decals go figure.
i havent had the chance to do much more work to the snifter as i am very sick and un able to leave the bed.

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