Pearl harbor Type 99 Bomber..Val

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Aha I missed that, thanks for clarifying that st8tjax and Wayne.

I think I found my new technique. No more oils for me!
Glad to have given you another option to consider, Adler.

Couple of shots as the decals go on...


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And to answer your question Wurger, regarding wingtip light covers, there is one primary photo of a crashed/recovered Type 99 val at Pearl Harbor which clearly shows the cover is 'dark' this would indicate that the cover is coloured rather than the bulb being coloured.
THX Wayne.I've tought in the same way but I haven't had any proof of it.
I can see your model is about finish.I'm looking for the final one.
Hey Wurger, below is the photo I was referring to, where you can see the wing tip cover.

Photo Credit : Official U.S. Navy Photo, National Archives, Dept. of Navy-Naval Historical Centre, Washington.


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Hey Wurger, glad to help!

Next shot shows the addition of the wing flap markings, I have only seen these added to one other Val model, these markings are not supplied in the kit, so you have to make them yourself.
Also added are the nose stripes, central sight line and the angled sight line markings in front of the forward canopy section. the wing walk panel and the fuel tank covers in red.Only the black wing walk panel is kit suppled.


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Next a close up of the wing flap markings.These are made from a larger stripe and cut into short thin red stripes, and each applied separately, alternating wing to wing to give each side time to settle and set.
The numbers for the angle of degree of the flaps were taken from a stencil sheet for panel numbers on an F4 Phantom. time and patience the key as the decals were small and had to be carefully aligned.


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hey thanks for your comments Guys...

Ok here's another shot, this time showing the Type 99 25# Model 1 250kg Bomb and carriage, again the bomb has a red stripe added, not in the kit.
Also the undercarriage wheel spats, there were 4 different spat designs used on Pearl Harbor Vals and only Akagi based Vals used this unique shape, again not included in the kit.


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Excellent view in the shot Wayne.You really have encouraged me to make my 1:72 scale model of the nice bomber.The spats look nice and are similar to PZL P-23 "Karas" or Ju-87. :)
Hi guys another lower wing shot, this time showing the Red brackets (mid wing) where the 60kg bomb rack was attached. The racks (and bombs)were not used for the Pearl Harbor attack only the main centre line bomb was carried for this mission.
If you look at the PH Val photo I posted above you can see the rear rack attachment point under the wing.


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Hi again guys, after being off the air for a while with a computer crash I can now get back to finishing this build thread with the finished product!

Hope you like it...

First up the full view from 10 o'clock low..


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