Pearl harbor Type 99 Bomber..Val (1 Viewer)

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Couple more shots,

3 and 4 o'clock


  • Aichi D3A1 Val_3 o'clock.JPG
    Aichi D3A1 Val_3 o'clock.JPG
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  • Aichi D3A1 Val_4 o'clock.JPG
    Aichi D3A1 Val_4 o'clock.JPG
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And a bit of Data for those that may be interested....

The 'Val' as it became known later in the war was was in fact the

Aichi D3A1 Navy Type 99 Carrier Bomber, Model 11. its formal Japanese name was Kanjo Bakugekiki or 'Kanbaku' which meant Carrier Bomber.
The D3A1 designator represented Type and manufacturer "D"= Carrier Bomber, "3" the 3rd in the series, "A" the manufacturer - Aichi and "1" the first model by Aichi. Entering service in 1939 or 2599 in the Japanese system it became the Type 99 Carrier Bomber. Finally, Model 11 or one-one indicating the first Model of the series and first engine configuration.

The aircraft modelled represents a 'Command Aircraft' which was part of the Second Wave of the Pearl Harbor attack force, December 7th 1941.
AI-201 was flown by Petty Officer First Class (PO1c) Kiyoto Furuta, and commanded by Lieutenant Takehiko Chihaya in the Radioman/gunner's seat.
Lt. Chihaya was the Leader or Hikotaicho of the Dive Bomber Group (Hikotai)
from the Aircraft Carrier Akagi, Flagship of the Carrier Striking Force or Kido Butai.
Hikotaicho (Group Leader)aircraft were identified by 3 stripes on the tail, Akagi aircraft were identified by a single Red fuselage stripe and the tail Code identifier of AI-.
Bomber numbers were 2XX, Fighters 1XX and Torpedo aircraft 3XX.

AI-201 is depicted at approximately 5.30am the morning of December 7th with Bomb attached sitting on the flight Deck ready for engine warm up as Akagi turns to the northeast into a 28 knot head wind in preparation for take off, the flight crew having spent some of their early morning time to polish the Commanders aircraft for the coming mission.
The idea for waxing for speed is still around in motor sports F1 etc...I was always told as a kid if your going on a road trip wax your car to get better gas mileage..Got to say it again that model of yours is fantastic:D :D
Hi guys just a few more shots and I'm done... pleased to reach 1000 views!

Thanks for your support and comments!!


  • Aichi D3a1 Val_7 o'cock.JPG
    Aichi D3a1 Val_7 o'cock.JPG
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  • Aichi D3A1 Val_8 o'clock low.JPG
    Aichi D3A1 Val_8 o'clock low.JPG
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An excellent model. Wayne, are you going to participate in a competition for modellers? The prize is positive. :D
Thanks Guys, Wurger I will be taking this model to the Model Expo in Melbourne on the long weekend in June.

Ok, after going around the clock with the various views here are the final 2 shots of my Val.


  • Aichi D3A1 Val_8 o'clock high.JPG
    Aichi D3A1 Val_8 o'clock high.JPG
    62.5 KB · Views: 138
  • Aichi D3A1 Val_Overhead.JPG
    Aichi D3A1 Val_Overhead.JPG
    83.6 KB · Views: 136
Hello lesofprimus, in this particular instance no weathering at all, the Pearl Harbor Vals were only painted in late Oct.1941, the paints were glossy at this time. The aircraft were back in the hangar decks of their respective carriers by mid Nov. 1941 in preparation for departure to attack PH, from memory I think they left Japan on the 25th Nov, being the elite of the Japanese Navy the flight crews kept the aircraft in tip top condition, command aircraft would have certainly been given special attention.

"AI-201 is depicted at approximately 5.30am the morning of December 7th with Bomb attached sitting on the flight Deck ready for engine warm up as Akagi turns to the northeast into a 28 knot head wind in preparation for take off, the flight crew having spent some of their early morning time to polish the Commanders aircraft for the coming mission."
Wurger there will certainly be many photo's taken at the Expo and posted here to share with you guys.

Well Wildcat, I am currently working on a Hasegawa 1/48 Nakajima B5N2 Kate, another Command aircraft from the Pearl harbor second attack wave.
Also a Tamiya 1/48 Me262,which is currently getting more attention than the Kate want to finish it OOB for Melbourne.
Unrelated to aircraft, finishing the first of a series of 1/700 Japanese destroyers which formed the screening escort for the Battleship Yamato on her final voyage to Okinawa, holding off on building the Yamato until at least 3 of the Destroyers are complete.
And finally a 1/48 Tiger I late version also for the Melb. comp. so will be pretty busy over the next 7 weeks.
It is a good idea Heinz.Take a couple bottles of beer more for Wayne,please.He could be very tired if he would make so many models and pics. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Thanks for those crossed fingers Wurger!

Make sure you stop by at the expo Heinz, I will be easy to find, helping out on the Aeroworks stand assisting with sales...

Guys you wouldn't believe just how many models I actually have at various stages and on the go and chipping away at them at varying times...but to meet the expo deadline need to focus on just a couple.

Wildcat, heads up for you...don't know where you get your diecast stuff from but noticed the other day Military Hobbies on Port Road selling some of their stuff at 20% off, you might want to check it out or give them a ring, maybe something might interest you.

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