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mind if I have a go...was almost finished with Heinrich Bartels' IV./JG27 G-6 this week ..until I decided I'd have to respray the wings after coming across a photo showing the starboard wing tip (hence no Balkenkreuze yet) - this is the Academy 72nd scale kit.

here's that Bartels pic if interested...for such a well-known machine this is the only pic of the upper wing I could find...

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this is the old Airfix Friedrich that I half-finished a while ago and decided to re-spray this week and dress it up in those nice Eagle Strike decals as a JG54 machine..still one or two bits pieces to add..

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Another unusual subject. Japanese E13A-1 Jake in surrender markings. Model is 1/72 Hasegawa.


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Very nice Ed! Unless it's just the light, I think the crosses should be a little greener though.

Btw, is that the one surrendered to the RNZAF at Jaquinot bay, or were there others aswell?

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