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Nice job Cory. I see you also have a Berlin Squadron Chieftain, although it's looking a bit blue in the pic. I was involved in a venyure where we had six Chieftains, plus a lot of other AFVs, and three of them were ex- Berlin. Almost brand new, with only about 50km on the clocks !! Got some pics of them somewhere if you need any.
My first armour build poses on the workbench - I finished this about a week ago, I've borrowed a digital SLR on long-term loan so I'll get some better outdoor shots tomorrow after work. The kit is the Revell 1/76 Sherman VC Firefly , finished in the colours of 2nd Battalion, Coldstream Guards, June/July 1944...

The small scale hides the fact I botched the suspension I've got another 1/76 British tank under way at the moment, then the next I do will be 1/35, because really 1/76 is too small a scale to work in. TBH I only picked up the two 1/76 kits because there were cheap and would be good practice. They are much, much smaller than I expected
For some perspective, taken with my iPhone so nothing fancy. Smallest is 1/72 or w/e the scale is, seems to be a gray area, then 1/35, then 1/25, then 1/18. Don't have any 1/48s around, we feel that they're too small really. Only reason there's even a 1/72 in the house is because it's part of a diorama. None of these are mine btw, my brother's and dad's.

nice armour builds, great to see a chieftain my favorite tank and in the complex berlin livery too well done for seeing that paint job through I have made the Al Capone option but not yet worked up the courage to attempt the berlin scheme think i may get another chieftain and do the winter Berlin scheme first as a winter project (no pun or joke intended lol)
Great job. I build 1/72 scale aircraft but can't get into 1/72 armor. Sure would like the space advantages.Here is a recent Revell re-issue in 1/40. Corporal Missile. I'm pretty sure the transporter is fictional but Neat !


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