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Nice stuff guys, and AFAIK, the transporter for the Corporal missile was correct. Based on a mobile crane I believe.
Cory, when I find the Chieftain pics, I'll post them somewhere on the forum. From what I remember, most of the pics were taken in one of our workshops, back in 1994/95, when we were doing some modifications to make three of them look like Russian tanks for our business. These were used as set dressing in the Bond movie, 'Golden Eye'.
Here's my last one finally finished, thanks to the help I received here. Still a 4 footer but finished none the less.
ww2 image.jpg
57 OTU. Having printer issues, hence no serial numbers yet.
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started this airplane in 2008 and still under construction


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Looking great. :thumbright:

BTW. Your pictures were too large. I have resized them down. Please, resize your shots to 830 pixels maximal in the width before you post them
I agree, it looks almost as big as a Pitts Special !
Nice collection there TL, the Sea Vixen turned out well, especially as it's an awkward one to align properly. Well done mate.
Got back into modeling after 20+ years. It's great therapy! Here are the kits I've completed over the past year or so...

BTW, this is a great site. Been lurking for a while. There are so many great modelers here and I've been learning so much. Hopefully, I'll get better over time!


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