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I thought it was about time I posted some pictures of my display shelves. One of these days I'm going to get around to making a proper cabinet for them to keep the dust off.

T-bolt...I broke down and bought the supplies to build something like you've got here. not quite as many shelves, but it's pretty much the same. due to time constraints, tho. it probably won't be done till next Weekend.
Here is a Mig-15 tested by the US Air Force. Kit is from KP in 1/72 scale.


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First pics of some of my recent efforts after getting back into the hobby after a 20+ year break, so please be gentle!!

First up Eduard La 7 weekend edition finished in Dec. Wrong colour red on nose cowl though!

La7 .1.jpg

Next up which I've just finished is Ark's Yak 9K.
Nice kit needed a fair bit of filling! Painting the white was a nightmare!

Yak 9.jpg
Yak 9k.jpg
Yak 9.1.jpg

Many thanks for looking, just need to rig up an aerial now. Any comments welcome.
Taking the 21 years of the break into consideration ... not too bad at all. Both of them look very good.
This is my Stuka which I have customised as an example captured by RAF 601 SQN in the Western Desert in November 1942.
RAF 601 SQN  The SQN Stuka.jpg
RAF 601 SQN  The SQN Stuka 2.jpg
RAF 601 SQN  The SQN Stuka 3.jpg
RAF Stuka UK.jpg
Great stuff here guys!

Rob, do you plan to modify the cowl on the Zero? The one fitted is actually an A6M3 type.

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