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Heres the pics of my latest model. Its a academy P-51D Mustang 1:72nd scale. Its almost finished just waiting on some gunmetal to do the guns and thats it. I'm kind of at a standstill at the moment because I am waiting on paint to finish my lancaster and my P-47. Thanks to wurger, heinz and others who told me how to properly put academy decals on


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I'm with Les and Wayne.The Mustang looks very nice really.And the Lancaster is similar to the one I've seen at the bottom of my drawer.The colour of plastic is different only.
Good work SE.
Got a new camera!

Almost done my Hellcat Mk. II! It's actually the Trumpeter 1:32 F6F-5N kit, but the radar is completely separate.

Here is my MiG-3, also Trumpeter and 1:32.

Lastly is my long awaited (by some) 1:32 Dora with the EE decals. I did up the paint how it's supposed to be on the plane, but on the Weiss 11 that was supposed to go on, there was this black stuff, almost like a shoe scuff that would not come off, so I used the Blau 12 numbers instead, and when I went to put the Spiralschnauze? on, it wasn't the right size for the spinner and would not go on, which was too bad. I tried to paint one on, but did a horrid job, but my dad was able to do one freehand, at which I am amazed. Sorry for only the one picture, but the way it is against my wall I can't get at the bottom.

Heres the pics of my latest model. Its a academy P-51D Mustang 1:72nd scale.

I have a question, SE, regarding the decal on the upper side of the left wing.
Isn't the point of the star suppose to point forward ? It just looks funny
pointing aft.. I don't do scale plastic models, so I honestly do not know.


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