Quotes and Jokes (1 Viewer)

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The stupidity of the Australian politicians and public service summed up.

After a scandal around consulting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers Australia, Australian Senator Barbara Pocock raised concerns when the government hired consultants from Scyne (a PwC spin-off).

To summarise that scandal the government hired the then integral part of PwC that is now called Scyne to advise on new tax laws. Despite the so called confidentiality provisions of the contract PwC were simultaneously trolling for customers who wanted to avoid being victims of the same new laws.

Pocock said the move "appears to have the effect of sidestepping accountability."

Finance Minister Katy Gallagher responded to let Pocock know the government had hired Simon Longstaff of the nonprofit Ethics Centre as a consultant to help the government deal with consultants.

"It's like outsourcing your conscience," Pocock said. "Just imagine a bureaucrat in the Department of Finance saying, 'We need to hire a consultant to advise us on how to hire consultants'"

She said the writers of the Australian comedy Utopia, which takes a satirical look at bureaucrats, "couldn't have come up with a more laughable scenario."

Next on the program is probably a meeting about how to have fewer meetings.
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Definitely because Claude proved they were the right sort of plants for Koalas
This story reminds me of what happened to my sister and her husband. They had become caretakers for a small nature preserve of the local Audobon Society.
One of their projects was eliminating invasive plants from the preserve and replacing them with native species. Tens of thousands of dollars were spent on the project.
It was a roaring success. Within a year a family of beavers took up residence in the slough on the property, dammed up the outflow channel and flooded the entire area, drowning out all the new plantings. Then they began mowing down trees all through the neighborhood.
Since the nature preserve had long been engulfed by suburbia, the local property owners did not take kindly to their landscaping being destroyed.
The city and the DNR got involved to remove the beavers.
Apparently, there is such a thing as too much nature.

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