Quotes and Jokes (2 Viewers)

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A few years ago, HM Queen Elisabeth II visited the town where I now live.
She caused quite a stir, particularly among conservationists and animal rights activists, as she was wearing a hat made from fox fur.
Later, during the Civic luncheon, the Mayor, being aware of the "problem", asked Her Majesty about the hat she was wearing.
The Queen replied "Oh, it was Phillip's idea. He asked me where I was going today, and I told him, Macclesfield. He said 'Wear the fox hat' ".
I shudder to think, sometimes, that the insidious warning labels that admonish humanity everywhere are a testament of something profound. Is it really just the 'liability' issues due to nebulous lawsuits about everything, or might some of us really need these? The former is more reassuring, in a way.

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