Quotes and Jokes (6 Viewers)

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First date, if it was a picture!



An unseen photo of Iran's Women national Card play team!



Written on "Dough" pockets back:

Sooner or later, the Police will catch the criminals!

* - Criminals: refers to those who drink alcoholic beverages, as it's forbidden by law and "Sharia".



Every single Iranian person:

If my grandfather hadn't sell his lands too cheap, we'd have better situation right now!



Let me change my phone's language to Chinese.

Godammit, I can't find "Settings".



Me: it was a hard exam!

My friend: yes, it was. Have you answered the questions on the other side?

Me: What the ...



The Girls special ability:

Meanwhile they're chatting with you on Watssapp, they can block you on Telegram.
In honor of Rev Martin Luther King's holiday, I give you a quote from my son, aged five, when he returned home after learning about the civil rights leader at school.
"Dad! Today we learned about a very important person! Martin Luther King, Jr.!"
Yes. And do you know why he is famous?
"Yup! He got shot!"

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