Quotes and Jokes

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In the first case the union tried to call their annual bullshit Christmas strike and over 80% were clearly against it so they deferred the decision to a later time. As soon as the 80% left the meeting they reopened it and voted to strike. By the time we got back to base all the picket lines were up. Our bus driver was one of the anti strike people and sat on the horn and accelerated through the picket line and posters and we all went back to work. Similar at all the other locations. Our driver was not chastised for all the damage to the bus.

Second time our pay was linked to Qantas's but needed to be ratified by the Arbitration Commission. A year after Qantas got the pay rise we were still waiting so we pulled a stop work until a date was set. That took less than an hour to arrange and was set for a month later. Six weeks later we asked the union what was happening and were told that the company had asked for an indefinite delay and the union agreed to that. We went on strike until the pay rise was approved by the Commission. It only took a couple of days. I was one of many who told the union where to stick their membership fees.

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