A bit more progress, but not much, as the current work is more 'wait and see', rather than bash on.
PIC 1. That 'Pinnochio' nose has been re-profiled to look more like a Starfighter, and to match the fitting on the brass pitot, and what a long job that was !
I also spent some time very carefully drilling-out and shaping the housing for the I.R. sight, immediately ahead of the cockpit - then realised I hadn't noticed this on Canadair CF-104's. So, check the references, and then get out the scalpel, file and wet 'n dry, and remove the bl**dy thing !
PICS 2 and 3. All the joints, filler and sanded areas have been polished to remove any abrasion marks, and smooth things out evenly, and then a thin coat of Xtracolor 'Duralumin' was brushed on these areas, which would immediately show any imperfections. Fortunately, all is well, with only a couple of tiny blemishes, which should disappear once the paint has dried, and after being treated to a polish with the 'T-Cut'. This will remove some of the paint, leaving a thin, smooth coat, with any tiny depressions concealed by the remaining paint.
Not much more can be done to the main airframe just yet, especially as I now hurt like stink through the minimal effort of sanding, so I'll turn my attention to preparing the ventral fin, adapting a missile pylon as a center-line pylon, and constructing the wing-tip tanks, and ensuring the seams are eliminated, as these, too, will be 'bare metal'.
I have a follow-up appointment at the Hospital tomorrow, so, depending what torture I'm put through, I don't know if I'll get any more done, but I'll post a further up-date as soon as possible.