Three pages later... Ive got some catching up to do (damn it,having a life other than this site
cheddar cheese said:
Earlier today the lanc had the idea of doing a charity calendar involving all the regular members of the site naked with bits of WW2 aviation covering up their dangly bits...
Well Lancs it made 'me' chuckle.
Thanks for your kind words earlier Evan.
Les,( your pin up) I prefer 'smiles' to muscles... sorry M8.
Now you lot what are you like.... let Cute Corp be a lesson to you, you are so easily lead astray, think as yourselves as a 'bar' or an 'off license....and ask for proof of age
Med...... checking IP addresses you 'sneak' 8) ....what type of IP system is it? because on some, you can trace the next two sites the person hits....... I'm told
(No, I know because I have my own web site and on my old site you could do that, but you cant on my new site's IP).
She may be a teacher? Dear god what have I done suggesting that............... off you go again