Revell 1/72nd SR-71 w/D-21 Drone

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Yeah, as we say in the North of England "If in doubt, give it a clout!" BTW, 'clout' means hit, to hit, clout.
Of course, it could be a case of D.I.Y. - 'Destroy It Yourself'!
Just done the first camouflage colour coat on the Gustav, very first time using acrylics. I'm impressed with the ease of use so far. Might post a pic or two, but I've just realised, it's 03.08 hrs! Should really go to bed!
Thanks, Heinz. I'm likely to suffer a lull while I let my Future application dry. Also, my youngest boy's Academy models arrived yesterday and he was cracking to the P-40B before I could get them all out of the box. So something tells me my modeling priorities will be modified somewhat in the foreseeable future. Might try to get a primer coat on this weekend.

LOL (again)!

I'm in exactly the same boat; my 7-year old son won't leave me alone until we get his A-10A put together ("Forget about painting it, Dad, that takes too long! Give me the glue!").
Dry fitting the pilot and RSO cockpit canopies without the clear parts. Here's where it get's scary folks.

I have brushed and let dry the windscreen and canopy windows with Future. Next step is to glue the clear parts to the canopy proper.

I'm already lamenting that all that detail will be lost except in my juvenile mind. [The day I can't grab my models and make "swooshing" noises of ass-kicking maneuvers is the day I quite building models]


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First primer coat to see all my mistakes. And they are many. Wayne has given me a new found reason for one bullet. Where's my Glock?

In hindsight I will have to use Wayne's idea of working my stock from behind for those seam lines that are too tall next time. A little sanding to settle my mind and smooth the rough areas...

Next a coat of Future to the fuselage to 'seal the deal" and ensure that any masking will not be compromised as I contemplate my darkblue/flat black body.


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Looking good Matt. Those canopies should sit down fine, and the primer coat looks spot on.
Glock? Trade it in and get a SIG!!
BTW, the info is packed and will be in the mail tomorrow (Wednesday).
Today I went round two on cleaning up my join lines. More putty, more sanding. Lots of patience. Again trying to get those nice lines with 220gr, 400gr and finishing with 1500gr paper.

Touched up the bare areas with Lt Ghost Grey acrylic to see if oiling my Glock really was necessary. Turns out I can put my bullet away. Looks fairly decent. Might even pass Wayne's muster after a fifth of whiskey. Them's good odds in my opinion. [Wife has the camera, dangit. You would think her Nikon D80 would suit all her needs, but Noooooooo, she needed the $hitty camera too for some unnamed chore. But I digress...]

Wanted to finish up by putting another coat of Future prior to official painting. But my airbrush is dead. WTF? No biggee, me thinks. she's getting air through, but blows bubbles in the medium. Hmmm. I take her apart thinking it had a clog or nozzle blockage. I'm anal about my post cleanups and my gun being almost 30yo looks brand new. No go. Blows bubbles.

I then take the jar off and the feed mechanism. Nothing looking out of the ordinary. I can see daylight completely through and I can physically blow through the system from end to end via lung power. My last medium was Future. Okay.

Attempted to run hot water through the gun. Nope. Attempted to do a quick soak and run paint thinner through the gun. Nope.

Well now the gun is soaking in thinner. Give me a reason. Just give me a reason and all my love for you gun is out the window. I'll buy a young and hot airbrush with sexy lines, better features, and guaranteed not to give me any grief. Just give me a reason.
109, you sound like a male whore. My paint goes in, my paint comes out. Where's your emotions mate! This is a life decision for goodness sake.
Thats Nice......

So weird you bring this this up(life happens to be thinking about it)

New description ,paint gets poured into bottle ,trigger goes down via hand motion, paint then sprays

Not to whorish hopefully for you Matt
Matt, try clearing the second love of your life by spraying some MORE Future through it, followed immediately by water then thinners, then water. Should clear it. The problem is, after using Future, it dries so quick inside the needle, that it can cause the next paint/medium, to sort of 'go off track'; there has probably been a tiny hard bubble of Future wedged somewhere, causing the bubbles or whatever.
I tried that yesterday, but it just blew bubbles in the Future/jar. It has soaked overnight in thinner. I see if it works this afternoon. Have Thurs and Fri off so lots of time to play. My sons and I are going to the Hobbyshop tomorrow regardless.

So standby.

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