RNZAF Corsair Build

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Oh shucks guys thanks! ,Terry I used an old lamp and my old computer chair to make the prop

About to go and buy some more paint.Photos up tonight!
An old lamp and a computer chair....so now he can't see, can't sit down, but has an engine and prop that look better than some kit's parts! The boy's a genius!
Great work Daniel, get those pics up quick, as I'm bursting to see 'em!
Started raining

Had to cease work

It's all blue right now need to apply markings and then Finish!!! Don't know If I can paint though , The dust and dampness in the garage is worrying me
Well ...I blame the weather

Pretty annoyed at dulux for a difference in paint than to the paint charts I had

What do you guys think of the colours?


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Don't know enough about the specific colour scheme to comment but hey, what the h**l! It looks great to me Daniel, and probably close enough to be authentic. First time we've seen the whole thing - and painted! Brilliant work mate, you should be proud, and never mind the NZ licensing laws, have a pint on me!
Now, put down the beer, and get the paint and markings finished!
Almost ,Just going to make stentcils(Did I spell that right?)

Should hopefully do an alright job(That light blue should be more grey ish)

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