Search Problem

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Jan 14, 2013
I seem to be having an issue when I try to search my previous posts. I'm getting an error message that says "Connection Refused". Is this me or the site and can it be fixed? Thanks
Patience is granted, good sir. I just wanted to know if it was something I did or was a site issue, I am after all a digital dumbass.
Just for information, is there any advance in this trouble?. When I try to "find all posts" or something, I get: "Oops! An error occurred: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused)".
Thanks in advance.
The forum search feature has been a problem and they're working on it...but here's a quick workaround:

Go to google and type in your search keyword like Jumo211 for example

Then follow your keyword(s) with

So your search criteria will be Jumo211

This will return results of any postings or threads ever posted in the forums regarding the Jumo211. It may be a little inconvenient, but it works well
Glad I could help, guys!

By the way, I almost used Bacon as a search example, but I thought the Jumo211 was a better idea, since there's probably about a thousand or so results for the Jumo and closer to about a million results for bacon here in the forums!

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