Shinpachi's 3D/CGI World

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Thank you very much for your kind comments, Gary, Aaron, Gnomey and Lucky!

As pointed out, I understand that there were minute consideration about effective radiation of heat on the cylinder of R-3350 beside an artistic design of the fin shape though it is not shown well in my work yet. Please look forward to how it goes on.



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This is still rough but I believe I'm getting closer.


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Will These help ? I had to re-size them way down so they should enlarge OK.


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Thanks Ed for checking my post and your beautiful photos of the R-3350!
That looks as if a brandnew product and is sure helpful for me to understand how the engine had better be displayed.

Thank you very much!
Thanks GG for the compliment.
It was not until I began making this engine in my CGI that I understood this stuff is tough. Why could they manufacture this kind of luxurious and extravagant engines during the war when Japanese engineers were requested to save costs and materials?
It is really awesome.
Still rough but I'm glad as a little bit advanced.


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Thanks Aaron for checking my work!
It goes as slow as a turtle though


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Thanks Wayne for your nice followup
My work tends to be rough but you and other members' attentions as expert modellers always make me feel responsibility about my work.

So, I have just remade the spark plug.


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