Shinpachi's Birthday!!!!!!

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Happy birthday Shinpachi hope your having a good evening....

p.s. I'm sorry for the late attention have been divided.

I hope that your loved ones are safe, and I hope that your life was not too badly disrupted by the resent events in Hokkaido.
Thank you very much for your so many congrats, guys!
I am very very happy now because, I must admit with apology, I was almost forgetting my own birthday after the 3.11 earthquake this year.
I appreciate you, Aaron, above all for you noticed it in time well again.

Actually the devastation by quake, tsunami and nuke was terrible and the Japanese now understand clearly that their government and legislature has been nothing but a group of incompetent old persons who don't knwo how to do in national emergency quickly, accurately and decisively at all since 1945 after all.
At least, I and my friends who are concerned with nation's future seriously began to study what the better political form will be for this country if current one is not good anymore as not-a-few guys here in Japan are recently beginning to say with one voice "This is almost limit of our parliamentary democracy". The other choice will be the presidential system in my imagination.

Thank you very much again.
I am really so happy!

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