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Cheers for the advice Matt!

The 'scans' you've seen here are actually examples of my terrible photography with a cheap digital camera! :)
Ivett wants to scan my stuff at her work, which should be much more professional.

Yeah, the gallery is a bit of a concern for me too. The owner is a painter who displays and sells her own work there, no idea why she hasn't insured it. Might be selective with what I display there.
Some comic relief to contrast Evans superb work!!!!!


  • my P-40.jpg
    my P-40.jpg
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Evan your paper is acid-free correct ? my old college dayz stuff sadly has too a yellow background but this is all we had, some pretty crap paper in different thickness's...................guess laughingly we could call it nice patina.
That's a very good point Erich.
Always try to use acid-free paper for any original pencil sketch work, and if having pencil or full-colour work reproduced as prints, specify acid-free paper, and UV - stable inks. Also, when a pencil sketch is complete, spray it with a coat or two of fixer, available in aerosol cans from art shops. This will prevent smudging and also staining, from finger marks etc, and offers a degree of UV protection to minimize fading over time.
Beauty, cheers Erich and Terry! (and nice P-40 in a hangar Bill! :) )

To be honest this paper block dosen't specify, although some of my other (painting) blocks do.

Actually thinking of changing sketching blocks after this in any case, earlier more expensive blocks were much nicer to work on. Will make sure the next is acid free (thanks for the heads up!).

Terry, would that fixer be more effective than the hairspray I've used so far? Has proved effective enough in my experience.
Evan - generally, yes. Hairspray works, insofar as it 'fixes' the image by coating a protective layer - afterall, hairspray is basically lacquer - but a proper pencil/charcoal artwork fixer will provide more protection against UV. Also, with hairspray, there is a possibility of discolouration after a period of time, more so if the hairspray contains a perfume.
Ah, good point Terry, cheers! Will definitely change both paper and fixer then...

Bill, that's actually quite an ability to capture the essence of an subject in a few simple strokes!
Get some pics up here more often then Bill! :)

As for me, here's the latest on the Lanchester....

Still not entirely happy with it, but it's now at that stage where 'the more I do, the worse it'll get' if you know what I mean.
(Already overworked and ruined a couple of areas -dammit.)

Please do point out any obvious weakpoints or areas that could be improved a little though.


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Evan be subtle ......

if background trees, buildings are out of the question then continue with your road cobbles but obviously do not overdue it, put another 2 areas on the right side of the vehicle, always in odds never in even numbers could put an area off to the right as well ...... corner street and lamp-post as a thought or . . . . ?
That's nice Jan! Love the old rail and aircraft ads in that style too.

Erich, cheers mate!
I want the car to be the focus here (like the Ford sketch), the background to be minimal and to compliment only. Hence the 'hint' of a cobbled street only.

That said, not happy with the sketch as it is, and it will be changed again. (Looked better to me in the second to last photo to be honest.)
Will keep playin with yours, Ivett's and my own ideas on a scrap sketch, then carry them over to the proper sketch when 'right'.
Love the Lanchester Andy. Maybe another , very soft, hint of cobbles, on a line 6 o clock from the centre of the rear axle, joining at 9 o clock from the rear tip of the front mudguard, where it joins the sill. Perhaps one, or maybe two, very discreet leaves, something like Maple leaves, upturned and curled on the cobbles also?

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