Hey, thanks guys!
Evan, it's a very unpredictable experience to be honest with you. Some days I feel great like not much has changed, except that Sara's not at home. All her clothes are still in the closet, and a lot of her is still around and unchanged. I'm grateful for having even met her and spent 22 years married to her. Sara's legacy will live on in our kids, Michael and Maddy. Other days I feel completely fed up and unmotivated. This job I'm at is only stop-gap, can't see being here much beyond a year (if I make it that far), I'm just so freakin' bored. I've been a graphic designer for 26 years and the pettiness of the everyday (especially in the business world) really wears thin sometimes. I'm thinking about going back to school to study for something more meaningful, perhaps the funeral services business, the girl who helped me with Sara's funeral was very helpful and inspiring, and she said that her job can be very rewarding.
Anyway, don't want to rant, thanks again, art is, and always has been, a good outlet for me.