firstly I must say that, besides the very good help received from you and after I did my copy of the Hispano cannons and the gun-bay covers for "E" type wing, I decided to revert to "C" wings.
This is because I was afraid to damage the very crispy details of under-wing panels, that I glued in place in order to be able to arrange the gun bays.
I also put together the fuselage, rudder and stabilizers. as you can see the need for putty will be very minimum.
Lastly I decided to replace wing-tip light with new one made from stretch clear sprue painted on the backside following a very nice technique I found on this forum.
The second picture shows the light almost positioned; of course it will be put in place and glued on the last minute.
Any comment or suggestion on how to improve further is very welcome.
My next step, besides completing the assembly, is to decide the livery of the aircraft.
I hope British friends will forgive me, but I decided to do an Italian aircraft of post WW2 period.
I would like to do a camo one, also to show that Italian roundels were, in most cases, just overposed to the Englis ones, but I find very difficult to find good fotos to use as reference.
In facts some months after being taken in charge, Italian Spitfires were repainted silver and this is the other option I have.