Star Wars, Star Trek and others....

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Aug 21, 2006
In my castle....
Was just wondering, with all the Sci-Fi fans around here, how many used to, still do or have have kids that draw/design their own spaceships after each movie, episode or whatever?

Come on, spill the beans!
I have a lot of drawings like that stuck away in a folder from years and years ago. Here's one that's kind of an updated version of Khans Botany Bay from the original Star Trek. I have plenty more I can scan if you want to see them.
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Now remember I did these about 30 years ago back in High school

1 2 ) H.G. Wells' "War of the Worlds" Martian Fighting Machine
3 ) Edgar Rice Burroughs' "At the Earths Core" Subterranean Digging Vehicle
5 6 ) Damnation Alley Landmaster (nose much too long)
7) One man lunar lander from my imagination
8 ) One man shuttle also from my imagination
9 ) Home built rocket design
10 11 12 ) A space craft very loosely based on the Jupiter2 from lost in space
13 ) A small space-plane
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Got to say I never went That detailed, but did draw a lot. I was a bit of an introvert. In the sixth grade I was put into a special class with several of us trouble makers, drawing. we learned prospective and scale. drawing mostly Roman architecture. Drawing was like my model building now, kept me sane. I drew more houses than anything else, hot rods of course. I was in high school in '57-'61. The birth of hot rods and rock and roll. Wanted to be an architect, didn't happen. Wanted to be a pilot, Navy, that didn't happen either. But still sketch architectural stuff. Went thru a CAD school when I was 52, did the mechanical and architectural courses. Know just enough about building to be dangerous.

I admire the detail you put into your sketches Glenn. You got a good eye, or two.
Heres a pic I did in High School. I don't have any of my Space ship pics anymore.

In school, my one teacher saw how I was always drawing space stuff and since I didn't do well academically, she gave me a chance. In the 70s, space exploration was big tome so she "commissioned" me to mural the school hallways about space exploration with my drawings. I passed the class because of the 'extra' credit.

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Back in the day, if I wasn't reading, I was drawing. In my notes, on my homework, whenever/wherever. Sci-fi, fantasy, you name it. I wasn't the best artist, and my "perspective" and "shading" skills needed a LOT of work, but I had fun doing it. I have no idea what happened to most of that stuff, I do know that at least one folder got thrown away rather than pack it up (again) during yet another military move.
I feel my "inner-geek" (re-) emerging! Years ago (the early 1970's) I spent a lot of time trying to model the "Planet of the apes" space ship...I pored over every little scrap of information I could find (much of it incomplete). I wish I had some of the models I constructed...some of them where not that bad (probably better then I remember_lol).

Now I could just go here, if I needed that kind of information...

Planet of the Apes Stills Gallery

If you are looking for any "movie spaceship" information...production stills, ect...I have found this web site to be invaluable. I hope you enjoy it!!

Untitled Document

Very cool Chris! I wasn't very good at perspective then so I tended to stick with plan profile. Back then I couldn't hold a pencil in my hand without doodling something.
Very cool and interestingly done pics, doodles designs ther guys, make me wish I had most of mine still; mostly upon motorcycles, planes and sci-fi/W40K, I got some about still, looks like I'll have to connect up my printer/scanner some time this week or so.
Great drawings Glenn!

Mine are all stored in NZ unfortunately, still have a scrapbook full of them.
Used to design air- and spacecraft, and cars (among other things) as a kid, which my parents and friends thought were 'too futuristic' and would never be made in reality - similar designs are now regularly flying, and the 'too futuristic' cars have been on the roads since the late '80s...
(Had my own 'Eurofighter' type designs for example, and a few which 'would never work' in people's opinions - since flown as the YF-23, etc... always makes me wonder 'what could have been' had they let me pursue my goal of becoming an aircraft designer...)

Designed a few cardboard space models too, and regularly drew the spacecraft etc from TV shows like 'Battlestar Galactica', 'Buck Rogers in the 25th Century', and 'Star Fleet'. Will post pics if I ever get access to my stuff in NZ.

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