Surprise Surprise, Look What's on My Doorstep...

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I hear a noise out front the house and creep around the corner to see whats goin on... I see a Fed Ex truck pulling out of my driveway....

I open the door and look down to see a plain brown box sitting there.... The return label says Squadron Mail Order....

I didnt order anything from Squadron....

So I open the box, pull out the packing paper, and to my surprise, Im looking at a 1/35th scale Sd.Kfz.164 Nashorn Premium Edition from Dragon USA...

My mouth hit the floor....

I thought my Bride had surprised me with alittle somethin special, and then I read the reciept... At the bottom theres a small notation, and it reads:

From Lucky13, Next In Line, Your Buddy, Jan

The prick sent me a kickass model for my Birfday... Im still kinda blown away by it and I kissed his ass pretty good in the PM I sent to him right after I got it.... Its extremely hard to humble this tall goon here, but dammit if Lucky didnt actually do it... What a really nice motherfu*kin thing to do...

Thanks again Jan, u are the proverbial Man!!!!


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Les, I think you already fell in love with someone...hehehe
No,seriously, I haven´t seen such a forum with such a friendly members like here! You got my admiration Lucky!
Something similar happened to me...I asked few UK members for finding the bus connections in England during FL 2008 and Trackend offered me to pick us up at the airport, bring us to Duxford and then back to the airport...still can´t belive it...he even got the child seat for my son...

And Lucky, I have my B´day in December, my wish is P-38 in 1:24 scale... My wife doesn´t want do buy it
Ok...Lucky MAY send my hubby models..(the ones in a box, not in a bikini) BUT, if flowers start showing up for the big guy..I'm going to have to fly to Scotland.

I may not have had Spec Op training..BUT was raised a true Texan, country gal!

as a side note..Jan, that was AWESOME!

Glad you liked the Nashorn buddy... I like your builds, so I thought with all the nice detailing gone when you close up your models....why not something which is open and where you can go nuts with details...VOILA' Nashorn! Now you can build a tank killer.....

Btw Dan, when will you do you first wee diorama for a model?

If flowers would start to show up at the door, I thought that you BOTH would fly to thinking that they're for him.....and he thinking that they're for you.... (DAMN! That's flowers out of the question....hmmmm....maybe chocolate...)

Not to worry guys.....
Dan vs The Texas Bride. Sounds like a cage match from Houston Wrestling circa 1970s. My money is on the Bride. 8) I am looking forward to seeing the completed model. Happy B day

I dont know anything about dioramas Jan.... It would be an all out trial and error with it...

But then again, Ive never done armor until I did my Panther, so maybe when I get the Nashorn goin I'll take the leap into that pit as well....

DB, ur a wise man to put ur money on The Bride...

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