T Bolt's 1:1 P-47 Cockpit

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I spent a good part of the day fitting and installing the ribs. After a lot of adjustment everything seems to line up reasonably well and the skin should fit on nice and flat.

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Great job T-Bolt !
A propeller and it's OK for flying !
The kids in pilots are very historical....
Gotta say mate, she's looking real good.

Your stick grip looks like an early one. I'm not an expert on these things but was once told that the button on the top of the grip was often broken by the pilots climbing in and out when they would kick the control column...accidentaly of course !... so they resolved this issue by partially resessing the button, like one I have on the '51

Have you decided on what to use for the skin ?
Thanks everyone, your feedback is keeping me motivated!

Didn't realize that about the top button Gary. The reference pictures I have of D-30 pits all seam to have the un-recessed button, but to tell the truth at this point I'd be happy with what I have even if they all showed the recessed ones, It sure feels good sitting there holding on to it. A huge improvement over the chisel handle I had stuck in there before!

I am definitely using aluminum for the skin, and some fairly thick stuff if I can get it. I did the best job I could making all the ribs line up with each other, but there not perfect, so I figure a thicker skin will hold the curved shape better with out wrinkling. It also has the advantage of making the countersinking easier. I figure I'll need 2 pieces each 48" x 27 1/2". But that's still in the future, I still have to make and install the aluminum covers for the wooden ribs so they look real, and add the longitudinal angles. It will also be easier to add all the interior equipment before the skin go on.
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I've started to use 2mm Ali. Once its pulled into shape...quite easy looking at the ribs you got.... and they're fixed in place with rivets, I tell you, if they'd say OK, it'd fly !

Now don't lose momentum.
I've been working second shift this week so had a little time and decided to get back to the cockpit project. Over the last couple of days I took the ribs off, painted them with chromate green primer, and reinstalled them.
It's not much, but at least I'm working on it again.

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Looking more like a 'Jug every day mate, nicely done. Just you wait till you've got the skin on !!

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