T Bolt's 1:1 P-47 Cockpit

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When do you start on the TV screen windshield, surround sound system, and computer controlled hydraulically activated 3-D moving frame?
Seriously, Glen, really nice work, that's really something
Thanks Jeffrey, looking forward to seeing you start your hurricane

I wish I had the knowhow to put some sound into it Mike.. right now I'll be happy to have the gun sight and some of the panel lights light up.

Kind of related to the cockpit, when I was collecting parts for this thing I acquired a set of rudder pedals of an unknown type of aircraft to use in the cockpit. Later I got my hands on the T-33 pedal assemblies I ended up using and the unknown pedals have been on the shelf. Then yesterday I was looking at that thread with a link to the P-61 restoration and found that the Black Widow's pedals looked mighty familiar, what do you guys think? The first pic is the one in the Widow and the others are my pedals.
It sure would be cool to have something out of a P-61!

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Glenn, For whatever it is worth, they certainly look the same to me. Northrop made lots of planes and possibly used the same parts in different planes. You might contact the association that is rebuilding the Widow. Send them pics, they'd certainly know for sure
Been quite a while since I checked in here Glenn, sorry for the absence. This is looking phenominal sir! The amount of work for each part and the care taken is mind boggling. And the pedals, they do look like P-61 pieces if the photos are any indication.
As mentioned in Garry's (Geedee) P-51 thread a week ago I ordered this radio self destruct switch. It was something I had planed to make out of wood so this is a big bonus.

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That didn't take long to install !. I've already got two of those as I was going to fit one to my Babe, but they weren't used in the D' models....B's and C's deffo.

Keep at it mate, you'll soon have some bits wired up and that is real treat to look forward to !
George, it doesn't appear in too many cockpit photos because it's mounted too far back to get in most pictures. Here's a couple that it is in.

Gary, It's not exactly installed, What you don't see in the pictures is my hand behind it holding it up The the actual location is slightly behind where my cockpit ends, so I'll have to move it a bit and wait until I have other components such at the Ox regulator and radio control box mounted.

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I am trying to resist starting work on a cockpit project of my own and this really isn't helping

Fantastic work

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