The Augsburg Eagle....

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Those 'PE 37' were a right pain in the tail pipe!

Attack those wee gaps next time...

She's got a tail now at least....

Just to see..... things fit. The pin for the prop, seems a bit short, time will tell...


Those exhausts will be fun...
Btw, those 'E 9' and 'E 14', what are they, should they be open or closed on the ground?
They're the hinged covers over the ignition leads/plugs. Normally they'd be closed, unless servicing was taking place. Very often they 'popped'open in a belly landing situation.
Yep.. I agree with Terry. What is more the diagram of the kit instruction shows their location when opened incorrectly. The hinges of these covers were at their bottom edges. As a result these couldn't be brought up like the diagram suggests but these were open on the outside with the top edges going down.
Beat me to it ! I was going to post a pic showing the open cover, and it would probably have been the same subject - Paul Temme's JG2 aircraft next to the railway line at Shoreham airfield !
That good progress Jan, we can see that something very interesting is coming.

It is very illustrative for me to read all the references, tips, technical comments, historical and general knowledge amongst you ... I'm learning a lot of you fellows.

Saludos cordiales a TODOS 8)
Cheers pal!

I've just realised that I've made a boo-boo, of sorts.... I've been plodding along with this 'E', having Helmut Henz bird in my head, which is an E-1 or an E-3, what I'm building is the E-4! Had to go back to the beginning to see what I was doing, doesn't look like I've decided what bird I'm doing, just cracked the E-4 open and off we went (almost like on.....well you know..)...
Anyhoo, I could slap on the 'Yellow 13' decals that comes with the kit, or see what else I have or, see what else I can find....

I need a drink!

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