The creepy crawly thread.....

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Temp has been dropping mid-60s in the morning. finally got one of the suckers to hold still for me to snap a pic: a five-line blue-tailed skink


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Been trying all summer but they are FAST. There is a nest of them under the deck stairway. little ones about an inch long are all over the lower concrete patio. This one was out in the AM catching some rays
Great shots, both!!! I'd encourage them...both of em eat bugs. I love seeing fat, happy geckos, skinks, garter snakes, and spiders around my house. Dunno if they're related, but we used to call those huge spiders with the zig-zaggy web "banana spiders" when my family was stationed on Guam. Dunno where the name came from, that's just what the kids would call em.

ETA: VB, try getting a spray bottle with clean water (rinse the bottle to make sure there's no soap or cleaning stuff in it), and gently mist the web. Try spritzing upwind of the web, and let the finer particles drift into the web. Play around with angles, you can get some phenomenal shots with the sun reflecting off the water droplets captured in the web, and if the spider is cooperative, you'll have beauty and the beast. 'Course, a fat grasshopper or moth as payment for the unexpected shower wouldn't be amiss....
Beginning to re-think this move south. Noticed a lot of movement in the grass of the back yard. Closer inspection revealed a whole herd of these hairy critters (7 or 8, I headed indoors) neighbors responded to my emptying of several clips from my M-16 into the yard!! "Oh, their just tarantulas, it's mating season, wait a few more weeks the yard will be full of them." I'm not phobic about spiders but its been a long time since a herd of spiders, 5 - 6 inches long, crawled across my patio.

The Arkansas Chocolate Tarantula


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