My other option, the one that I'll most likely aim to do, is this Vickers Wellington Mk. Ic....
Mission: Bremen, Germany (Deshimag shipyard)
Date: 25/26th June 1942
Unit: No. 304 Squadron (Polish)
Type: Wellington IC
Serial: DV441
Coded: NZ-Q
Location: North Sea
Pilot: P/O. Jan Kramin (1) P-1604 P.A.F. Age; 22, Missing (Born; Klimanowice, Poland.)
Co/Pilot: Sgt. Henryk Kué 792037 P.A.F. Age; 27, Missing (Born; Sokolów, Poland.)
Nav: Fl/Lt. Marian Józef Dydziul P-0190 P.A.F. Age; 37, Killed (Born; Suwalki, Poland.)
W/Op: Sgt. Tadeusz Kamyszék 783875 P.A.F. Age; 32, Missing (Born; Pozaniu, Poland.)
Air/Gnr: Sgt. Jan Wojtaś 781144 P.A.F. Age; 28, Missing (Born; Baranowie, Poland.)
Air/Gnr: Sgt. Nikita Mikolaj Talach 781912 P.A.F. Age; 26, Missing (Born; ? Poland.)
Reason For Loss:
Although based in Dale this aircraft together with a further 6 Wellington's from 304 squadron took off from Bircham Newton, Norfolk as part of the famous 1000 bomber raid on Bremen (Although 960 aircraft became available). DV441 (204 squadron were part of coastal command at this stage of the war) was shot down by a German night fighter but no further details are available to date.
It is reported that the complete crew drowned but only the body of Fl/Lt. Marian Józef Dydziul was recovered.
Wellington IC DV441 NZ-Q
Left to right: Jan Kramin, Henryk Kué, Marian Dydziul, Tadeusz Kamyszék, Jan Wojtaś, Nikita Talach.