The P-108/B-17/Lancaster Thread

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what about the lancaster (sorry cheap shot :D it was one of the bad ones (sorry, even cheaper)) what about the wimpy :?:
No, the British didn't turn everything into Gold, but mostly they did. They had experience, intelligence and, dare I say, guts to test these things. Especially the aircraft coming over from America being prepared for combat tests.
The A-36 Apache, so I've heard, was combat tested by the RAF. Mostly we improved American planes, but that quite rightly doesn't take the credit away from the Americans, it just gives us more credit. :lol:
The British, I think, were also motivated by a certain desparation. They were verly litterally fighting for their lives and that will motivate a people to try some unusual things.
Yes, the British always know how to adapt.
I think America would have been able to manage. It would have taken longer. Japan still wouldn't have had any chance of out-producing us. Germany would have been more trouble. Maybe America would have deployed its planes and troops to bases in Russia?
hey, the russians were a strange bunch, they were even a bit aprehensive about letting us launch the first raid against the tirpitz from there.................
Well, as I see it, America would have had three options if Britain was outta the war. 1) Work out a peace with Germany (doubtful but an option). 2) Attempt on very long range invasion (either Africa or England, and very difficult to pull off). 3) Transfer supplies (by ship) to Russia. Not an easy task, but probably the best option of the three.
America would have probably gone for the peace option, carrying on a fight that wasn't theres would have cost many lives.
The Russians weren't that bad, several RAF squadrons operated out of Russia, and B-17s used to land in Russia from time to time on their triangular bombing runs.

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