Looks to be the same here v2, no white Christmas, although at the moment it is blue sky and sun shining (a great winters morning) it is around +5C. The snow is forcast to return on Tuesday but still too late for Christmas
It looks like we may actually have a white Christmas after all.
Christmas is the only time of year that I actually like snow, so you know I'll be bitching come New Year's.
As you can see in the pics below, I don't live anywhere near downtown. I'm on the outskirts.
Denver - 60 and windy, was supposed top go flying today, the winds were 25 gusting to 35, not very comfortable in a Cessna 172, like driving your car on an unpaved road with 2 foot potholes and 30 degree up hill and downhill paths....
Most of Eastern Canada has been pelted with blizzards, with up to 70 cm of snow in some areas. Most of Nova Scotia has been spared so far though, including Halifax County.
- 4C. A few snow showers here and there. We're covered in snow ... I actually took a few pictures, but my batteries on the camera have ran out. And it can't use the computers power ...