The What is it? Game

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Flash has told me that he hasn't flown this babe...yet...but an astronaut has !!. And its not a Saunder roe.

Its a single seat, nosewheel jobbie...and its a one-off !
Good try guys but not quite there yet. Its not a FD 1 or a NASA jobbie
Its not an Ascender and its not a seaplane.

It could fly as slow as just under 70 !!!
I think Aaron has it!

No he hasn't...he didn't say if it was either a right or left handed doobrie !

Ok chaps, some clues...some good, some not so good

Its not a gyrocopter or a Kestrel.

It's a single seat, its got a fixed undercart, its got a single engine

And its got black paint on it !

Its a British design

While it could fly as slow as 70ish, it brothers could do Mach 2 !

And I've seen it !!!

If you follow the clues on this handy page, you'll be sure to find it !
Can you confirm that you have not turned the picture 90 degrees?

Nope....i've even turned my monitor on its side to check .

I've looked at it 115 times and its still the right way !

You are looking at the tail fin and the 'plane is pointing right to left.

I can stand by it and look over the canopy its that low

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