The What is it? Game

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BBMF Lanc.

Bl**dy spotter !!!!:lol:

I trhought that one would have you all barking up the wrong tree !

Good spot Andy, it is indeed the BBMF Lanc, trying to creep up on me un-noticed !. She almost suceeded but for the glorious sound of four Merlins growling away in unison. I have to say, I get a huge kick out of seeing such a glorious majestic beastie flying overhead a five hundred feet...there's just something that demands your respect !

And I need to speak to the Flight Engineer...he's got one Merlin out of sync with the other three in the last piccie !

Ok, it's official, Gary has lost it.
Sorry dude, no way man...never had it to lose in the first place


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Like my dad used to say, even a blind chicken finds a bit of seed now and then.

I'm a bit pressed for time now but will try to dig up and post something tonight. Seeing as how we've regressed to posting a couple of rivets for everyone to guess, I'll need to dig deep!
" Ok, it's official, Gary has lost it."
"Sorry dude, no way man...never had it to lose in the first place "

Seeing as how I thought you were doing a lot better than I am I thought that you still had yours. Now know I who's sitting beside me in this basket.:lol:
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Well, I'll have to concede this one and say that Glenn's got it! It is indeed a Bachem Natter, picture taken about 6 years ago at the Planes of Fame in Chino.


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