The What is it? Game

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Here it is. Red for Christmas!


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How the <bleep> did you get that one! looked fairly big and the colour red made me think of some Trans-arctic survey plane of some sort and I thought it would be something I opted for a Norseman. Found out that was wrong and had another look at the target pic.

Noted that it was a tail dragger (judging by the angle ?) that it appeared to have a very large wing root area judging by the smaller, lower side window and assuming I was looking at the front windshield assembly, so had another think. Ruled out the Otter cos it had different 'quarterlight windows, went off and had a cuppa and then for some reason started thinking about 'Winnie May' flown by Wiley Post. Ok it was the wrong colour but a two minute search on the World Wide Wait seemd to match so I offered it up !

Try this one chaps...


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