The What is it? Game

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boy i'm so out of touch,its been years since i last went to a air show or museum sounds like a visit to duxford must be on the cards for 2012
No idea at the moment. Was thinking mounting plate for wingtip tanks on an F104 but there's no facility for thats wrong for a starter. Its the wrong shape for a control horn on an aerobatic jobbie and its not the rear fin on a Westland Wasp / Scout. Even been looking at WW2 guided bombs like the Fritz-X but I reckon I'm on the wrong trail there as well !. Heck, I'm even thinking its a UAV of some sort

In short, I havent got a bl**dy clue !!

This one needs some serious thought. It's a good'un !
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Possibly an access step on a landing gear strut, with the grip or anti-slip material missing. I'll guess on a DHC Otter.

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