The What is it? Game (1 Viewer)

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Dont know why but that pic reminds me of the Rsend of a C130 Hercy bird ?
I smell something with this one and I 'm thinking now its a Lockheed U2 ?
But it had only one engine Gary.

Yup, but I reckon this puppy has had an extra added to it.... a bit like the F104 they fitted a rocket to for altitude . I know this isn't a 104 but I'm thinking that's an auxilliary nozzle for and extra bit of Oooomph...just gotta figure out what tho'.
Could be aTest and Evaluation airframe of some sort
And take note of the clue "above and beyond" !
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Douglas XB-43? One had one of its J35s engines replaced by a J47 as a flying test bed and I'm thinking if it is an XB-43 its likely to be that one as the original one's tailpipes were the same size. Am I right, Capt?

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