The What is it? Game

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Looks like turret on a british aircraft but a Lancaster?

Sorry I'm on An iPod and I can't hardly looks like a windscreen of so
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Hmm, it isn't a turret, looks more like a cockpit canopy, and I would guess the photo was taken from the front of the a/c with the nose on the photographer's right shoulder. No idea what it is though :lol:

Any clues on the era? Camo says early WWII but I can't think of an a/c with a canopy that rounded. Also, might be the photo, but the brown and green look more like USAF SEA camo than RAF early war :?:
Miles magister? If it's right someone else go.. I'm on an iPod touch. I know there's one at duxford and wiki has a picture , that's what i used
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The Magister (Hawk Trainer being the civilian version) has tandem open cockpits H, but you were on the right lines.
But, Dennis has got it spot on !
It is indeed a Percival Proctor, and here she is, this one based at Duxford.
Your turn Dennis, and welcome to the forum.


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