The What is it? Game

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Not a Lysander (again), but David got it with Gladiator. Your turn mate.


  • Czech 028.jpg
    Czech 028.jpg
    93.6 KB · Views: 190
Note: Gary has asked for your own pics only (not from books etc), and for the posted image to be a 'crop' from the whole pic. I'm guessing this is one of your collectionn David, so should be OK, but it's Gary's decision.
Thanks Terry.

Next up:

interesting piccie....but...errrrrr....

Only stipulation is that you must use your own pictures....not ones from the Internet or copied / scanned in from books etc.

Let it ride this time as I'm sure we nearly all got shots of 'planes that we can cherry pic from for at least a few months ?.

Incidentaly I thought it was 'Havoc' mod but I can see now that I'm wrong. What I thought was the wing root is infact the prop and the paving 'slabs' of concrete underneath !!!! :oops:
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Now there's coincidence! I posted a pic of the IFR probe on the same aircraft (taken on 19th June) in the other recce thread!!
I'll be back in a few minutes with a pic.
Here you go.
Sorry for the small size of some of these pics, they've been cropped from re-sized originals, and the resolution would suffer if enlarged.


  • Mitchell015A.jpg
    7.6 KB · Views: 198
Here you go.
Sorry for the small size of some of these pics, they've been cropped from re-sized originals, and the resolution would suffer if enlarged.

Small is good...makes it harder !

Slab sides, mid/shoulder mounted wing....Halifax ?

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