The What is it? Game

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Looks like turret on a british aircraft but a Lancaster?

Sorry I'm on An iPod and I can't hardly looks like a windscreen of so
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Hmm, it isn't a turret, looks more like a cockpit canopy, and I would guess the photo was taken from the front of the a/c with the nose on the photographer's right shoulder. No idea what it is though

Any clues on the era? Camo says early WWII but I can't think of an a/c with a canopy that rounded. Also, might be the photo, but the brown and green look more like USAF SEA camo than RAF early war
Miles magister? If it's right someone else go.. I'm on an iPod touch. I know there's one at duxford and wiki has a picture , that's what i used
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The Magister (Hawk Trainer being the civilian version) has tandem open cockpits H, but you were on the right lines.
But, Dennis has got it spot on !
It is indeed a Percival Proctor, and here she is, this one based at Duxford.
Your turn Dennis, and welcome to the forum.


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