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Not bad Matt but I have seen that posted here before (i think by Dan) so that does not gain you as many points on the funny meter.
More grousing from the peanut gallery. I think you read my post wrong. I'll refrain from further attempts to entertain you. Don't you have Udet to pick on?
Apologies I am failing the test.
Hard to compete with a man who reckons himself as the second coming and holds the forum delete button.
If ur gonna pick a hobbit Matt, atleast go with Meriadoc Brandywine (Merry), as he was the one who penetrated the King Ringwraiths' leg with his Westernese dagger, distracting him so Eowyn, Shieldmaiden of Rohan, could decapitate him...
U wanna talk about balls??? How about stabbing something thats already dead, 10 feet tall, and carries a mace that weighs as much as a schoolbus...
And just to set ur lack of LOR trivia is the right direction, the Valar (God) Morgoth was banished into the Void, where he will remain for eternity... Sauron is/was the servant of Morgoth, his Lieutenant.... I am the second coming of Morgoths' Malice....
Mock me again and u shall feel the wrath of a Darkness that will change ur soul forever...
And for the fuc*ing record, hobbits are not midgits or dwarves, but a specific race of peoples of Middle Earth, related to the Stoors....
And if u think Adler is funnier than me, u gotta get ur vision checked...
What can I tell you. Its that German blood in me...
...and the sad part is Lanc answered.
with the God's honest truth.... oooooohhhhhh yeaaaahhhhh 8)
and face up to it you middle aged freaks- you know too much about this and are all nerds