Trackends Attempts 2nd ever build a Spite IX

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maybe this might help ,


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Heck Lee, that looks marvellous! Well done mate! As you haven't yet glued the panel, if you can, paint the compass barrel mid grey, about Medium Sea Grey is close enough. This will make it stand out, and make the finished cockpit look even more detailed than it already is. Also, the grip part of the control column was wrapped in a rubber material (the grip was made by Dunlop !), so if you can add a coat of gloss or semi-matt clear varnish, this will provide a nice contrast. I have to say, the kit parts look rather good - I like the way they've replicated the curve of the bottom of the cockpit fuselage section.
BTW, I know it's a bit of a distance from you, but rochie and I will be staying at Great Dunmow next Wednesday night, if you fancy a pint or six!!?
Edit: Just noticed, the voltage regulators, the two cylinders on the back of the pilot's head armour frame, were silver, on a black mount, in case you missed them!
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Thanks for the info I'll give them parts the once over tomorrow as its visit the mother day to day. the pint offer is very tempting Terry but next week I am having a fun filled time over at Paddock wood on a points training couse
I'm really looking forward to that, being stuck in a dam training centre and listening to a guy waffle on about rules and regs for a week. I may take my model and do some work in the evenings. anything to avoid bloody guys talking puff puffs(which they always do back in the hotel).
Thanks again for the tips and invite mate
Good luck with the course! I know what you mean, trying to stay awake whilst someone drones on about something you don't really need to know! And when colleagues talk shop afterwork, that gets right up my nose!!
If you want Dan you can take my place. Its fasinating, all about setting up supplymentry drives for railroad point switching gear and rail streachers, I'm bored already and dont start till Monday. Bloody rediculous course to send me on I'm one of the technical support engineers for East Anglia, if I cant read the updates in the regs and suss them out without going to school I need shooting.
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Hey ho I tried 6 times to paint the cockpit side roughly folowing Waynes pdf instructions but it has fallen way short of anything that you guys are turning out after seeing Terrys Beaufighhter build I have decide to stop at this stage as It is a skill that will take some time to perfect and keep going over the same ground is becoming self defeating.
I shall therefore move on to the starboard side in the build (which looks much harder) and see how things go.
I will build at least 2 more aircraft before tackling the wimpy I really need to perfect a steady hand but I think I may have to set my detail sights a lot lower.


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Looking quite good Lee.But these two matal bottles were blue as memo serves.
cheers Wurger the revell kit says metalic but as Wayne intimated in his notes it was a bit left open to interpretation he made his airframe green. I would have thought an id colour would have been picked but being a novice I'm in you guys hands,
What about the (what I assume is the oxygen bottle) the other side? images seem to show white or yellow
Looks great to me, especially for a first atempt Lee. The twin bottles could be blue or bare polished steel (silver). The oxygen bottle on the starboard side was black, semi gloss, with a bare metal or Cockpit green bracket. On Spits in American service, this bottle might have been re-painted yellow, the colour the U.S. used to denote oxygen.

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