Trackends Attempts 2nd ever build a Spite IX

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cheers Wurger the revell kit says metalic but as Wayne intimated in his notes it was a bit left open to interpretation he made his airframe green. I would have thought an id colour would have been picked but being a novice I'm in you guys hands,
What about the (what I assume is the oxygen bottle) the other side? images seem to show white or yellow

It's OK Lee.I can be wrog. It seems that there were silver indeed.The small one on the other side was also white.


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Hm. That's interesting, as I've never seen a white (British) oxygen feed bottle in wartime photographs, and the MkV Spit I did a bit of work on some years back, still had the original, wartime bottle, which was black, as in the pics I've seen to date. It may be that the pics Wojtek has posted are of a restored example perhaps, although the main oxygen tanks and 'plumbing' don't look restored as such. I do believe that overall standard colour coding hadn't been fully implemented during this period, and, for example, fire extinguishers could be seen in brass, polished steel or black. AFAIK, in Britain it was the RAF, who first started painting safety equipment, such as fire extinguishers and axes etc red, so that they couild be located quickly in an emergency, and most, if not all, oxygen feed bottles (as opposed to the twin reservoirs) were black, as CO2 bottles are today. Of course, this isn't definite proof of the colour, as usual there could have been, and probably were, differences !
Another one of those frustrating subjects for modellers!!
I think Terry you are right.These pics are of a such exactly plane.I also know that these bottles with oxygen were black painted.Anyway Lee is not going to make an "undressed" Spitfire.:lol: As a result these bottles won't be seen.
cheers guys I didnt get a chance last week to do much being away from home but I have caught up on Waynes PDF lessons the colours are a bit of a mish mash of suggestions but seem to be around right although I am little dissapointed with the cockpit conduit


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Looking very nice Lee.But you are right some wash on stringers and formers would make this a little bit better.)

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