Train Pics

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Some more stuff, this time AT&SF! Wish I could remember when, where and where I got them, but these have been stored on the pc for some time.... :oops: :lol:

AT&SF 1792.jpg

AT&SF 1797.jpg

AT&SF 3107.jpg

AT&SF 3814.jpg

AT&SF 5029.jpg

AT&SF 5029.jpg

AT&SF 3814.jpg

ATSF 2-10-4 5034.jpg

ATSF trippleheader 2.jpg
...And last pics taken, though there are alot more exhibits.
Last 2 of my favourite, the NOHAB M61, under restoration. (My mate and my girlfriend in front of her in the second to last shot)






(and cheers Jan! Clashed posts..)
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Cheers Aaron!

Plan to go back when season starts properly and photograph everything - they have 17 steam locomotives alone, not including all the modern engines and carriages!

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