Udo Corde, Ju 88C-6 Zerstörer, 5K+RT, Wk. Nr. 360379 of 9.(Eis.)/KG 3...

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I am wondering still about the arms of this crate and all the train busters.

the lower gondola had two MG-FFM with 90-120 rounds each gun.

what is trange and either could be fitted, the long barrel Mauser or the short barrel MG-FFM. Photos are rather unlear of parked A/C usually the nose cannon seems to be removed or such an agle you cannot tell if the MG-FFM is mounted or not.
Thanks Erich! I've attached the guns on the gondola and three in the nose. I've left the cannon in the nose loose until I'm somewhat sure as what to do....
Only other pics I've found so far are of the nightfighter mounting Jan, and the cannon seems to be in the 'cowled' position, ie, further back, This would make sense on two counts; 1, no forward crewman(?) being hampered by the weapon's receiver, and 2, some of the muzzle flash (much brighter at night)being screened by the fuselage. Not a very strong argument or evidence,I know, but a possible reason for the prortruding muzzle on the ground attack A/C.?
True dear boy! If you look at the cannon in the pic again, you can see that there are a narrow part on it, could this have to do something if you'd want to cut the length off? All other that I've seen has had a smooth barrel...
Ah, b*ll*cks! I spend bl**dy ages trawling through all my references, finally find a pic in Kagero Vol III which supports other info, and what happens? Karl beats me to it!!
Nice work Karl!
Erich and Gents....

This is what I got from Knut in Norway, about Werner Baumbach '88;

"Hei Jan

Sorry to say, I am not able to help you with this.
His aircraft was marked 4D in Norway (Kampfgeschwader KG 30) and not A6 (this belonged to Aufklärungsgruppe AGr 120)

Greetings from Norway


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