Udo Corde, Ju 88C-6 Zerstörer, 5K+RT, Wk. Nr. 360379 of 9.(Eis.)/KG 3...

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At this point a simple "thank you" doesn't seem sufficient enough, for all your excellent work Erich....but, THANK you! :oops:

Do you have his email, and I'll drop him a line....
check his site out Jan it should be a contact number or addy. also at one time and sadly taken off line, I was part of a special Norway interest group, man they had a ton of info of both Allied and LW and the ops in the north

I do not have his personal email Jan
Its probably a little late but I do have a picture of the cockpit area of a Ju-88C-6 if you are interested.
Werner Baumbach....


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during the Norwegian campaign Baumbach flew from the frozen lake jonnsvannet and then from the base in Trondheim ( i have his book, the rise and fall of luftwaffe ) and in Norway he flew the A1, ( and the Emil Bertin incident happened close to Namsos ) and did not use torpedos but dive bombed the ship !
Hi Gutt!

Have to say then, that it makes you wonder why AirDoc has his '88 from '41 down as an A-4....also, being based at Banak, with I./KG30? Am I missing something? :confused: :lol:
Talking about something slightly different now.... Gutt and Erich, what do you know about Werner Baumbach and his '88 in Norway A6+HH, where in Norway was based and how did he manage to sink that amount of ships with an A-4....bombs, torpedoes?

Jan found this piece of info on LEMB when the same question was asked...

"this was not Baumbach's aircraft. You can find pics of this plane in Model Art n°444 about Ju 88. It was Ju 88D-1 WkN 1067 flown by Hptm ORLOWSKI and Oblt HEINDENREICH of 1(F)/120."
Thanks Chris, just been there and found this.....

18.08.41 1.(F)/120 Ju 88 A-5 0746 A6+HH Unknown, Missing (F) Olt. Walter Budden KIA, (B) Lt. (Bo)do Möller KIA, (Bf) Uffz. Herbert Schlichting KIA, (Bs) Fw. Adolf Kühne KIA

Hijacking my own thread here....:oops: I thought that codes were specific for a certain squadron/geschwader. How come that this Ju 88A-5 ahs the same code as Baumbach KG30 '88?
Doing some more on the Zerstörer today. I'm slightly confused about the nose armament though. The three 7.9 mm MG 17s looks alright in the nose, it's the one 20 mm MG FF cannon that's causing the ? here. How far out did it potrude compared to the MG 17's? Show you a pic later, having the batteries charged for my camera.....
There're are some pics in the Kagero JU88 vol 1 book showing the cannon as per your kit Jan. I'll have a look at the other Vols in more detail and let you know, but I think the mounting seems to be mainly as per your kit.

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