Udo Corde, Ju 88C-6 Zerstörer, 5K+RT, Wk. Nr. 360379 of 9.(Eis.)/KG 3...

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Thought that I'd try get some more done to this bird as well....still trying figure out camo and how to deal with the gondola.
Guns or no guns, if no guns, how to close up the gondola where guns were....


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Looking at the forward firing guns mounted in the gondola, would there be enough room for the rear guns and for a crew member to fire them? If you ask me, it looks there's bit cramped when it comes to space...
I have to admit that I'm quite tempted to mount the MG 81 Zwilling but.....
Yep you are right.As memo serves these gondolas were deleted often when the forward firing guns were mounted.
I guess that I'll have to go through the thread again, to see how many had the guns mounted or blanked out and take it from there....
If one could a good pic of one with no rear firing guns, to see how they had closed the gondola it would be great! Oh well, in a perfect world....

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