Udo Corde, Ju 88C-6 Zerstörer, 5K+RT, Wk. Nr. 360379 of 9.(Eis.)/KG 3...

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dang forget the above pic that is for a torpedo carrying Ju 88 with a rearward flame thrower ....... ok lets try again, rats I am not findingn it

will do a more thorough search .....later
Maybe you guys will find these interesting. Found these on an old cd rom I had lying around. Im betting these came from ebay from the layout.


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interesting Paul the upper one on the right may have been one of the KG 3 Blitz 6th staffel jobs with yellow over red spinners

great pics
interesting Paul the upper one on the right may have been one of the KG 3 Blitz 6th staffel jobs with yellow over red spinners

great pics

Thanks Eric,

I think I have more around here but Im not sure where they are right now. I may of lost them when my last computer was hit by lightning. I have backups of most of my stuff but I when I did it I didnt lable the cd's very well. Its some where on around 150 different cds. I labled them by country and that was it.
that is part of the thing or should say my saved article I am trying to find on Fach and Cordes, it's disappeared off the files.........rats
before I go take a lay down nap and try and put things in persepctive, yes my hip is crakced from an old cycling injury, here is a brief on Fach and Cordes, still trying to place the info on KG 3 blitz loco busters.

Udo had 81 Soviet Locos to his credit Ernst had something like 63 before his untimely death in his Ju 88C-6. 9 crews of 9./KG 3 in two months popped 216 Soviet locos-trains............pretty impressive I would say

Holy Moly! So, "Eis" that I've found with some KG's is that for "Eisenbahn" then, like 9.(Eis)/KG1, 14.(Eis)/KG3, 14. (Eis)/KG55 or am I just making an *rse of myself?

Not to be greedy and unappreciative, but what do we know about 10./ZG26, based at Trapani, Italy....'42-'43 and 11./ZG26 based at Eleusis(?) in '43-'44....also C-6's. I take it that those were mainly for anti-shipping, right?

Great info chaps, VERY much appreciated!
Another thing, is the armament enough on this C-6 or will I have to add to it? It has the usual four guns in the nose and two in the gondola....

Don't know what kinda guns/cannons it is, but there's three smaller and one larger caliber in the nose, they molded the whole thingy....and just the barrels underneath.

Just wait and see...
Jan :

I am going to have to dig further but I think even the train busters had 3 MG 17's and 1 2cm MG FF in the nose. the lower gondola did not have the crew member or the rearward firing mg but had two frontal 2cm MG FF's installed.

what I am not sure about is if the train busters had 6 2cm weapons, I do not think they did but not 100 % positive just yet. Even so with 3 mg's and 3 2cm that was enough tear apart any train from any nation
Think that I'll try and make into Udo's machine if possible...

Much obliged Erich!

Here's the frame for C-6 with cannons etc....

Then, would it be the best way to blank out the rear firing twins in the gondola, since they've added these in the kit....

Finally, would they have been fitted with a single or two rear firing MG's? They have supplied both so that I can go either way...

Oooh....I don't know Wojtek, my friend. I've got all the MG's/Cannons. Just a question how their, or Udo Cordes, C-6's was armed. Since this one comes with twin MG's for rear defence in the gondola, I'm just curious how to best blank them out and if his machine had a single or two rear firing MG's in the crew compartment...
Also, could be good to know what camouflage the crate was painted in....and codes!
do you have the code for his Ju 88C-6 and the tail pic of his kills .... I do and that is what I am trying to get loaded up here for this thread. not sure on rear arms or how many crew were in the crate with the pilot.
Humm... the standard C-6 was armed like C-4 version with three cannons and three MGs.There was MG15 mounted with the Bola39 - lower gondola or MG131 or MG81 with Bola 81 or MG81Z. Also you might find in some books about Ju88 that in 1942 was introduced a daily destroyer armed with 3xMG17s,3xMG FF and 1xMG15 marked as C-6a version


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