Udo Corde, Ju 88C-6 Zerstörer, 5K+RT, Wk. Nr. 360379 of 9.(Eis.)/KG 3...

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Any idea of who's, when and where regarding this '88 tail, is it an A, C or...?:confused: :oops:


  • Ju 88 A-4 9K + FB W.Nr.1050 van II.KG 51.jpg
    Ju 88 A-4 9K + FB W.Nr.1050 van II.KG 51.jpg
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look at page two and the tail photo I placed, note the dual flame throwers at the bottom. it's an A bomber in your pic as well.

Udo's code on his C-6 is : 5K+RT, werke nummer 360379 of 9.(Eis.)/KG 3
two white has marks on the tail for two a/c kills plus a white train and 81 kill marks in white grouped in 5's.
Swastika is a white outline and sadly I do not have a full fuselage profile to determine any camo or markings on this crate. still trying to post up pics and the article.
Much obliged Erich, thank you very much! I remember an KG3 '88 somewhere, it was an A-4 though.....I think. :oops:
Think that it was 5K+R.....something, with the letters in black and a yellow border...does that sounds correct to you?

am really not sure on the colors. it seems and cannot tell certain there is a band around the fuselage possibly yellow for the Ost front theater of Udo's crate
Finally found the pics of the JU88C nose and rear cockpit armament Jan. I should have more somewhere, and I think a cutaway. So far I've found A's, in Europe , the Med and Russia, and D's in Norway - the others are hiding somewhere, the little devils!


  • JU88C.jpg
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  • JU88C 001.jpg
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Hmmmmmmmmm the gondola in this case has a single mg 17 not the 2cm jobs the Train busters had also note the back window for the lower rear gunner, what a crappy position to have to be in to defend the rear and bottom of the bomber = no thanks
Found it again...! This an A-4, 9K+FB, W.Nr.1050 from II./KG 51 in
Romania in 1941....


  • Ju 88 A-4 9K + FB W.Nr.1050 van II.KG 51.jpg
    Ju 88 A-4 9K + FB W.Nr.1050 van II.KG 51.jpg
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I know that it's a bit off topic in my own thread here...not being a Zerstorer...lmao! :oops: But, I have to ask about the camouflage on this Ju 88 A-4 from 4./KG 54, 1943, Catania, Sicily. Can't remember ever seen it anything like it before....
what would the RLM's be for this one?


  • foc3_39.jpg
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I was sure I have seen that earlier.

But I found this only.


  • Ju88C-4_KG54.jpg
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  • Ju88C-4_KG54 profile.jpg
    Ju88C-4_KG54 profile.jpg
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Lucky, while doing the Daily thread, I came across this in my stuff. I don't know where I got it - at least I can't find the source at the moment but maybe Cordo didn't have 'C' series Ju 88s.

"14(Eis.)./KG 3 was formed at Flensburg/Scleswig-Holstein (ex-9(Eis.)./KG 1). 14(Eis.)./KG 3 was a highly specialized train-busting Staffel. the crews were specially trained to fly day or night between 100' and 1,000' along railway lines and bomb and /or shoot up trains, railway stations and marshalling yards. They were also used at very low altitude against tank concentrations. The Staffel was always in the East and was equipped all or partially with cannon-armed Ju 88Ps."
Nope they were C-6's, that info is incorrect, look at the large Jpeg scan I posted to see the front of that C-6.

nice thought though stating P's............
Especially the smaller, single....37.5mm P-4's! The bigger P1 with the PaK-40 must have been a handfull to fly. No wonder that the '40 didn't work with the '88!

Is this the list? Flugzeugbestand und Bewegungsmeldungen, 14./KG3 Your German is by far better then mine, I'm sure....:oops:

14. (Eis)/KG55:
Obstlt Mathias Bermadinger, 1.6.43 - 18.2.44
Hptm Franz Schmidt, 19.2.44 - 8.5.45

Formed 1.6.43 in Dnjepropetrowsk from parts of 9.(Eis)/KG55. The staffel was independent and only loosly attached to KG55. Mainly used Ju88C fighters, but also various He 111 versions. This list of Flugzeugbestand und Bewegungsmeldungen 14. (Eis)/KG55, only shows He 111H-16's and -20's, no 88C-6's though...wonder why? :confused:
If this staffel was only loosly attached to KG55, would it still follow when they changed bases like those below?

1.6.43 - 29.6.43: Dnjepropetrowsk
30.6.43 - 9.8.43: Poltava
9.8.43 - 22.10.43: Kirovograd
23.10.43 - 13.2.44: Pervomaisk-Golta
13.2.44 - 27.2.44: Pleskau-Süd
27.2.44 - 5.4.44: Jakobstadt
5.4.44 - 13.4.44: Bobruisk
13.4.44 - 2.8.44: Jakobstadt
3.8.44 - 26.9.44: Riga-Spilve
26.9.44 - 20.1.45: Gutenfeld (East Prussia)
20.1.45 - 22.1.45: Brieg
22.1.45 - 11.2.45: Sagan/Kypper
11.2.45 - 4.4.45: Alt-Lönnewitz
4.4.45 - 27.4.45: Dresden-Klotzsche Königgrätz
look at page two and the tail photo I placed, note the dual flame throwers at the bottom. it's an A bomber in your pic as well.

Udo's code on his C-6 is : 5K+RT, werke nummer 360379 of 9.(Eis.)/KG 3
two white has marks on the tail for two a/c kills plus a white train and 81 kill marks in white grouped in 5's.
Swastika is a white outline and sadly I do not have a full fuselage profile to determine any camo or markings on this crate. still trying to post up pics and the article.

Erich, I assume you have Luftwaffe in Focus 3? 5K+RT is in here on page 37 as you probably know....go back to page 26 - 27 for the article on the Med Ju88 from 4/KG 54 there is a better image of B3+AM and another confirming the camo style.

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