Unofficial group build: 'After the battle'

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Great indeed ,also killer .What that thing would be worth now.....? such a waste

If I could go back in time I'd kiss that thing

Also has anyone got 1/72 scale plans of a Bristol freighter? I need em for when I make this conversion of mine (whenever that maybe)
So any progress with these derelict's guys?

I'll definately try and rustle something up, a few kits I have are somewhat born deformed through bugger all detail.
Well, I've sort of started things off, with the derelict Spit 22 in 1/32nd scale. When it's finished, I'll move it here. If nothing else, it might provide some ideas!
I've got the Fw 190S-5/ Fw 190A-8/U-1 project long started but not making any headway at the moment, and Spitfire PR.XIX/ Seafire XV conversions in the pipeline. Hoping to get something moving shortly...
Evan, have a look at the Duxford Flying Legends thread, in the Airshows thingy. Gary has posted a couple of cracking shots of PR19's, showing some nice details.
Thanks for the heads up, Terry!

Ordered the Falcon clear vax 'Spitfire special' canopy set last night, so should have a nice vacform PR.XIX canopy soon!
wow ! great thread, that 109 with Britsh roundels or that stuka could be a nice diorama on 1/144 !

my hands are crazy to start a new project like that right now

when this GB starts
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wow ! great thread, that 109 with Britsh roundels or that stuka could be a nice diorama on 1/144 !

my hands are crazy to start a new project like that right now

when this GB starts

It starts as soon as you do Lucas! it's a continuous build idea for anyone that's interested, like Lucky's 'what if..?' build, and Muller's armour build.

Looking forward to seeing your projects!

I've been mulling over this idea and I have a few ideas. The first which I'll start soonish is going to see a half burried 190 of some description being recovered after being discovered during excavations. Partially seen wing and machine gun cowlings is what I'm thinking with a few figures and a JCB or something nearby. Set in within the last 10years or something. Nothing to specific really.

I agree, that sounds very interesting Alex. What scale are you thinking off? It would look great in 1/48th, but I dion't know if you'd get a JCB or similar in that scale. Look forward to seeing it mate.
Just realised how badly written my previous post was!

As for scale Terry looking at 1/72 for the first one due to having a few wrecks lying around that can be butchered and spares for the little details. Also 1/72 for the choice of vehicles thanks 00scale model railways. The other idea I have is of a recent recovered warbird being stripped down ready for restoration. As we have never seen the warbirds in their true context as far as era and time, I kinda figured this would be a nice take on warbirds in the modern era apart from the polished up ones in museums and of course at airshows

Gotcha. Both sound great mate, should turn out well. I was thinking of using the remains of the Spit 22 to use as a part -built example, on a factory jig or trailer, but went for the 'fire dump' example instead. If I'd known I wouldn't be able to use the engine in the MkXIV, I could have really done something different. Ah well, at least I should have a convincing wreck when it's finished!
Great ideas guys!

Alex, I reckon you should be able to pick up a metal JCB in 1:87 at a railway model shop, and either scale it up and scratchbuild one in 1:72, or just have it 'parked a little off' to disguise the slight size difference...?
Airfix used to do a JCB III on a flat car in their old model railway stuff, and I've seen this around, or a copy, by another manufacturer. Maybe check out some of the model railway outlets, as there is loads of stuff like that. I notice, changing subject slightly, that Hornby have released a WW2 airfield control tower (RAF/USAAF in the UK) and a Nissen hut intheir HO model railway pre-built and paintedbuildings stuff. The scale is a bit off for 1/72nd use, but close enough, but they're a touch on the pricey side.

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